With its captivating shades of green reminiscent of the lush forests and tranquil waters, Amazonite has been intertwined with numerous cultural stories and legends throughout history. One such tale originates from the ancient Amazonian tribes of South America, who believed that the gemstone was gifted to them by the mighty warrior women known as the Amazons. According to legend, these fierce warriors wore Amazonite as an amulet, imbuing them with courage, strength, and protection during battle. The stone's association with the Amazonians has led to its name, honouring the legendary female warriors.

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Jennifer Gifford
The Origin of the Love Heart as a symbol of Love.

The love heart symbol is ubiquitous in today's world, ingrained in our digital conversations as emojis to convey emotions. But have you ever paused to ponder its origin? This emblem of love, so integral to our relationships and expressions of affection, has a fascinating backstory. Let's delve into the origins of the love heart symbol and its evolution in fashion and jewellery.

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Jennifer Gifford
Be You In Bridal Beauty

It’s hard for us makeup artists to put what we mean into words but for me I just want you to look like you when you walk down to meet your lovers gaze. I want both of your eyes to light up when you see each other for the first time. I’m such an old romantic, I get goosebumps as I write that.

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Amy Hughes